your keyboard is active in both the dial field and the messagefield... on your not photoshopped wallet screenshot...
tell us how you can type/be active in 2 seperate boxes/fields at the same time please
also why didnt you guys wait until you had everything finished? why release 3 weeks before your biggest feature ? couldn't you just have waited for 3 weeks and launched with an actual feature instead of only promises?
We program other apps for emulators, having 2 cursors allows for 2 people to work on the same machine at once. It wasn't intended to be used this way but glovepie allows this. ( I am sorry though there was confusion regarding this "omg impossible cursorsz" here is part of the code we use to accomplish this, its useful for gaming applications mostly.
debug = mouse.count
mouse.Swallow = true
// Mouse 1 controls the mouse (change mouse1 to whatever you want)
FakeMouse.DirectInputX = mouse1.DirectInputX
FakeMouse.DirectInputY = mouse1.DirectInputY
Mouse.LeftButton = mouse1.LeftButton
Mouse.MiddleButton = mouse1.MiddleButton
Mouse.RightButton = mouse1.RightButton
Mouse.XButton1 = mouse1.XButton1
Mouse.XButton2 = mouse1.XButton2
Mouse.WheelDown = mouse1.WheelDown
Mouse.WheelUp = mouse1.WheelUp
Mouse.WheelLeft = mouse1.WheelLeft
Mouse.WheelRight = mouse1.WheelRight
// Mouse 3 controls the WASD keys
if pressed(delta(mouse.directInputX)/delta(timestamp) > 0.02) then
if var.mouseX<0 then
end if
end if
if pressed(delta(mouse.directInputX)/delta(timestamp) < -0.02) then
if var.mouseX>0 then
end if
end if
if pressed(delta(mouse.directInputY)/delta(timestamp) > 0.02) then
if var.mouseY<0 then
end if
end if
if pressed(delta(mouse.directInputY)/delta(timestamp) < -0.02) then
if var.mouseY>0 then
end if
end if
A = var.mousex < 0
D = var.mousex > 0
W = var.mouseY < 0
S = var.mouseY > 0
We launched a bit early after being informed other Devs were working on similar projects. You have all successfully spread enough fud now for 10 coins, the price has dropped (which I'm sure was your intentions) either mine, trade, offer services/support or leave the thread. We'll continue to upgrade Veil with or without you.