| Dev address 32bit | length 8 bit | Data 8 * length | crc 16 bit |
lol. I was thinking of including the features mentioned in the other posts. A standardized firmware delivery would be useful, so that all devices could remain connected to the same bus. A standard way to distribute work to each device, and then pick it up when finished would also be necessary.
First thing I thought of was this
http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/standards.pngThat is before you get into the competitive pressures. For example BFL makes larger boards. They actually benefit from high per board cost. While they could support low cost universal standard it would actually hurt their competitive posistion. A rig box saving $6 on a $30,000 monster is a rounding error doesn't do much good but dropping a $3 usb controller, $2 usb cable and $2 usb hub (per port) from ztek $200 board (in bulk) is a significant cost savings.
From a capitalist standpoint BFL would be incentivized to not participate or participant in an attempt to slow down the standard and create disruptions.
I wasn't thinking that big. I was just wondering why no FPGA builder used serial. I mean it is serial. There aren't many protocols which are simpler.
Yeh I know, <sigh, another standard>, but what the hell. It'd be nice to hear from some of the FPGA makers and see if there are stumbling blocks that haven't been considered.