(My math probably isn't right)
You can generate 1 address a second.
86,400 seconds in a day = 86,400 keys a day.
26 bits in a btc address, 403291461126605635584000000 permutations.
so 403291461126605635584000000/86400 = 4667725244520898560000 days.
So, you wanna wait
1.27882883411531467397260273972602739726027397260273972602739726027397260273972 6027397260273972602739726027397260273972602739726027397260273972602739726027397 260273972602739726027397260273972602739726027*(10**19) years?
I didn't think so.
there are 160 bits in a btc address. so its: 2**160 seconds you have to wait. so its about 10**93 years.
EDIT: my math failed to, i used ln instead of log. correct is ~10**40 years