SheepCoin Coin name: SheepCoin (SHEEP)
Algorythm: X11
Total supply: 50000000
Block time: 30 secounds
Block reward: 1000
Block maturity: 200
Pre-mine: 2% (1,5% IPO, 0,5% premine)
PoS: 12% (Block rewars decesing by 10% every 24h of PoS)
IPO: We decided to create 1,5% IPO, which will make sure we get on any bigger exchange, and help us with developing our coins. IPO coins will be devided info 150 wool packs, with 5000 SHEEP each. Wool pack price will depend on your propositions and the number of orders. Becouse our coin is still in the plan phase, we would like to gather you opinions (and eventualy orders), which will be realized right before releasing. The rest part of the premine (0,5% -50 wool packs) will be fully used for bounties and giveaways.
Bounties: Coin logo&wallet outfit: 1 wool pack per each
Translations (French, Russian, Italian, Polish, Chinese, Italian, Spanish): 1 wool pack each
1st pool: 2wool packs
2nd pool: 1 wool pack
1st exchange: 3 wool packs
2nd exchange: 2 wool packs
Mac wallet: 3 wool packs
IOS waller: 4 wool packs
Android waller: 4 wool packs
Online wallet: 5 wool packs
Block explorer: 3 wool packs
Game: 3 wool packs
Promotion film: 5 wool packs
Media promotions: 1-3 wool packs
Media:Countdown: Soon
Downloads:Windows wallet:
Linux wallet:
GitHub source:
Pools: Exchanges: Explorers: Games: Future: We have in plans consequently developing our currency, with creation foundation, multipool, and charity organisation. We will also work on this announcement page, trying to answer your question. If you have any suggestions, please leave reply below.