Raoul Duke
aka psy
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1002
March 05, 2012, 04:48:24 PM |
I'm a person.
Sure you are. What kind of person is yet to be seen but I have a pretty good suspicion about it. And I don't need google to tell me I'm right about it.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1125
Gerald Davis
March 05, 2012, 04:49:25 PM Last edit: March 05, 2012, 05:10:00 PM by DeathAndTaxes |
why do you need a 24 port gigabit switch
Going to modify my farm to use PXE eliminating the need for USB sticks on each rig. I could use a switch just for that but I currently have a 24 port switch connectivity for the whole house so replacing it w/ gigabit seems like better option. At $41.01 (sorry it wasn't $39) the question should be why DON'T you need 24 gigabit ports.  16 port would have been fine for my needs but I didn't see one that cheap.
Activity: 42
Merit: 0
March 05, 2012, 05:09:09 PM |
Sure you are. What kind of person is yet to be seen but I have a pretty good suspicion about it. And I don't need google to tell me I'm right about it.
Suspicions about What? why do you need a 24 port gigabit switch
Going to modify my farm to use PXE eliminating the need for USB sticks on each rig. I could use a switch just for that but I currently have a 24 port switch connectivity for the whole house so replacing it w/ gigabit seems like better option. At $41.01 (sorry it wasn't $39) the question should be why DON'T you need 24 gigabit ports. 16 port would have been fine for my needs but I didn't see one that cheap. The reason I don't need a 24 Gigabit port is because I don't have that many connection
March 06, 2012, 06:41:26 AM |
Ebay is evil
Ebay isn't evil. People making stupid choices doesn't make ebay evil. Ebay has been pretty consistent. If you sell digital goods without proof of transfer then ebay is going to side the with buyer. Maybe unfair but it is stupid for people to keep trying in the face of that policy. Just got me a nice 24 port gigabit switch for $39 on ebay. That can't be evil.  True, they could have been banned if they're a scam. It could be some negligence on the part of the people who do transactions in their.
Hey Guys! WWW.FREEBITCOINS.ORG introduces "Epic December Contest" where you can Win Sweet Casascius Coins !!!
March 06, 2012, 06:00:47 PM |
Don't need to cry about ebay and paypal .Seller must ask for 100+feedbacks ,1 year or more on ebay , and check all previews feedbacks of the buyer . I have zero problems so far
Get a VPN - Protect yourself
March 11, 2012, 10:50:45 PM |
is it true, that paypal converts € in BTC? and if so, that they restrict the amount exchanged?
NXT: 5231236538923913892
BTC guy
March 12, 2012, 01:08:30 AM |
I got scammed selling wow time cards on ebay. After i emailed the code the bastard filed an unauthorized transaction. I had no tracking to prove i delivered so paypal took my money away.
Live and learn.
aka Vitaliy
Sr. Member
Activity: 386
Merit: 250
March 12, 2012, 01:18:17 AM |
I too, have had a terrible eBay experience and started a thread about what happened. If you're a seller, eBay will not help you resolve a dispute fairly even if you're right and the buyer is at fault. Full details here: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=63484.0
PC Hardware & Electronics For BTC Traded w/: Kansattica | jduck1987 | shakaru | newdude | nitetrader | midievil | blo8i | mb300sd | juggalodarkclow | Garr255 | Tril | Ringmasta | SysRun | CrazyBlane | sokay | BCB | str4wm4n | PinkBatman | Bitobsessed | matauc12 | antimattercrusader | BryanK
In memoriam
Activity: 924
Merit: 1004
Firstbits: 1pirata
March 12, 2012, 01:50:31 AM |
I was thinking to start selling some bitcoins on ebay but after seeing all these people getting scammed i don't think it's a really good idea without taking some measures, pff.
Why not use the postal service then ? Pondering at it for a while i came up with printing priv keys at bitaddress.org then sell as Online Coupons and send them with tracking by post. When the buyers receive the letter i can fund it with bitcoins so they can redeem at mtgox or importing the key into their wallet. Yes, is slow but damn safe. Some thoughts ?
BTCitcoin: An Idea Worth Saving - Q&A with bitcoins on rugatu.com - Check my rep
March 12, 2012, 01:53:26 AM |
Just a thought here... have any of you actually read the 6 pages of guidelines that eBay has about selling electronically delivered goods? They basically tell you upfront that unless you are one of their PowerSeller butt-buddies you are absolutely ignorant to try to sell electronic delivery, because they will NEVER, EVER, NOT EVEN UNDER COURT ORDER side with you. They never have, and never will unless you are Platinum and making them better than $25,000 in fees per month. And if you are that guy, you have a direct phone number to the little weasel in San Jose who will screw your customers for you, so you don't even think about this crap.
Selling a non-tangible good on eBay is the same thing as lighting cigarettes with benjamins, you will never get satisfaction, not even if the rip-off who stole your stuff confesses, admits it was an intentional fraud and offers to pay you back, they still won't find against him.
Keep your records, if it's worth enough talk to your local gendarmes, otherwise write it off on your taxes and chalk up a lesson learned in how not to do business.
aka Vitaliy
Sr. Member
Activity: 386
Merit: 250
March 12, 2012, 02:01:28 AM |
I was thinking to start selling some bitcoins on ebay but after seeing all these people getting scammed i don't think it's a really good idea without taking some measures, pff.
Why not use the postal service then ? ...Some thoughts ?
Using USPS (or any other physical carrier) to deliver items that could be delivered digitally will erode your profit margin. And unfortunately, even then, the buyer could open a ISNAD case against you and most probably win.
PC Hardware & Electronics For BTC Traded w/: Kansattica | jduck1987 | shakaru | newdude | nitetrader | midievil | blo8i | mb300sd | juggalodarkclow | Garr255 | Tril | Ringmasta | SysRun | CrazyBlane | sokay | BCB | str4wm4n | PinkBatman | Bitobsessed | matauc12 | antimattercrusader | BryanK
In memoriam
Activity: 924
Merit: 1004
Firstbits: 1pirata
March 12, 2012, 02:09:13 AM |
I was thinking to start selling some bitcoins on ebay but after seeing all these people getting scammed i don't think it's a really good idea without taking some measures, pff.
Why not use the postal service then ? ...Some thoughts ?
Using USPS (or any other physical carrier) to deliver items that could be delivered digitally will erode your profit margin. And unfortunately, even then, the buyer could open a ISNAD case against you and most probably win. Guess i will stick with the toys i have and leave ebay for the "brave" ones 
BTCitcoin: An Idea Worth Saving - Q&A with bitcoins on rugatu.com - Check my rep
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
March 12, 2012, 03:19:28 AM |
With regard do personal details of a scammer: Publication of their personal data is illegal, after all it is personal data. Some person claiming the person to be a scammer doesn't make them one. This other person could perhaps claim the same. Just hearing one side of a story is always just part of the story. Yeah, no... what on earth makes you think it's illegal to post personal information? It drives me crazy when people claim things are illegal and obviously have no idea/a single clue about the law. Unless that data was obtained through some already illegal or illicit means, it's not illegal to disclose it (there are exceptions, such as if it is stipulated in a contract) - in the case of Fleabay or PayPal, the data is provided to you voluntarily and thus is not covered under any invasion of privacy laws. Now, depending what you include WITH that information, such as narration, false facts, etc... that could run a foul of several laws. But if you are merely providing established facts through data/information obtained legally and with the consent of the party in question, there is nothing illegal about posting it publicly. Or, alternately, you could include false facts and complete bullshit and claim it's hypothetical or a speculative piece and you'd be fairly well covered.
If you're searching these lines for a point, you've probably missed it. There was never anything there in the first place.
Activity: 7
Merit: 0
March 23, 2012, 02:54:55 PM |
I sold $116 worth of BTC on eBay last month. After I sent the bitcoins, the buyer (in Hong Kong) initiated a chargeback, claiming that the charge was made without his consent. Another ebayer tried to warn me, but a little too late.
There's nothing I could do, and there's probably little you can do. PayPal will NOT side with you.
The only upside is that it was my first time being scammed after selling many many BTCs with a high premium on eBay. I won't keep selling them, though. Too much risk.
Sorry, dude. I sympathize with you.
You really sold BTC via a process (PP) which provides for charge-backs? Did you do any research at all?
Activity: 5
Merit: 0
March 23, 2012, 03:07:41 PM |
there are way to many people like that out there. Be careful
Cinnamon Cayenne
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
March 25, 2012, 10:52:29 AM Last edit: March 25, 2012, 11:04:19 AM by Cinnamon Cayenne |
is it true, that paypal converts € in BTC? and if so, that they restrict the amount exchanged?
I am aware of no Paypal "conversion" for Bitcoins. In fact, as far as I am aware, Paypal itself avoids dealing with Bitcoins wherever possible.
Raoul Duke
aka psy
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1002
March 25, 2012, 01:51:51 PM |
Your wrong dude. I'm Portuguese... From Portugal, one of the most miserable countries in the world. loool Call me one of the PIG's :p
Also, I've bought bitcoins with paypal several times on this forum, and just ask someone who sold those bitcoins to me if I ever scammed them...
Demographics ain't got shit to do with it. If they did you'd have more chance to be scammed by me than by someone from the US...
But I digress... It's my country who is bankrupted after all, not me. I can proudly say that I make a good amount of money.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1125
Gerald Davis
March 25, 2012, 02:16:28 PM |
blablahblah your mean blablahblah
well at least your name fits.
In memoriam
Activity: 924
Merit: 1004
Firstbits: 1pirata
March 26, 2012, 01:58:54 AM |
I got suspended for selling paperclips with free bitcoins 2 days ago, and yes i sent the damn clips with a tracking number. They want all kind of documents to re-enable my account. I had only positive votes with them but the fees are killing me so i think i will pass doing something about it. They will get to know bitcoin in the end.
BTCitcoin: An Idea Worth Saving - Q&A with bitcoins on rugatu.com - Check my rep