Calculations on increase in lifetime of coin
We did some calculations to see if this will enable the coins to release coins for a longer period of time.
We will have the following release in coins:
Current: 2QB/30 seconds
New minimal: 2QB/10 minutes
New maximum: 2QB/ten minutes + 1QB/ 30 seconds
This will give the following lifetimes:
Current: 815 days (2.23 years)
New minimal: 16,313 days (44,7 years)
New maximum: 1553 days (4,25 years)
With the current rate of 90% empty blocks, you can expect the following prediction of coins released per hour:
0,1 * 120 = 12 transaction blocks per hour
created coins/day = 24*(slow blocks*2QB+transaction blocks*1QB)= 24 * (6*2QB+12*1QB) = 576QB created/day
Life expectancy at current rate = to be created coins / daily created = 4698179/ 576 = 8,157 days = 22,35 years
With this efficient use, we are able to extend the life of the coin from 2.25 years almost by ten times!