Ugh. You mean you intend to robot-spam all kind of sites, bypassing their captchas and such? You want to annoy a dirty scumbag who stole money from 20'000 people by wasting the time of millions of readers and administrators who have nothing to do with that?
You lost me there. I hope the law gets to you somehow, as well as to the BFL scumbags. Bye.
Sorry, Charlie!
Nothing I suggest is illegal.
I assure you that BFL would be far, far more than "annoyed".
The search cengines detest this sort of thing and can even de-index the target as a result and I can't think of nicer people that BFL for that to happen to.
Now, as long as we're on the subject, you're telling me that it is NOT Ok to be perhaps a bit unethical when trying to stop a firm that has:
Stolen money from customers.
Lied about delivery dates.
Defrauded thousands.
Refused refunds.
Continued lawsuits ad absurdum.
Very probably broken Federal law in failure to properly label and certify equipment.
Dug in while people's lives go down the tubes.
Who you want them to call?
I no longer think that there is one single pair of cojones in all of this forum.
Get all namby-pamby about a little very effective Negative SEO against scumbuckets.
Naw, we just tell'em about the scumbuckets.
No harm in that or laws broken and no waiting for the so-called "wheels of justice" to turn at their pitifully slow rate.
Now, let me tell you what you have done this fine Sunday morning.
I've had five cups of really strong French Roast coffee so far today and I am locked an loaded for bear.
You've lit my rockets, tthat's what you've done!
Bother people on the Internet beause "ONLY" 20,000 people have lost their hard-earned money?
I want to "BOTHER" the whole Goddamned world with it!
In those 20,000 people are those who now cannot feed their families because of the fraud of BFL. There are those who cannot afford proper medical care for thier children because of the fraud of BFL.
There are even some who have lost their fucking homes because of the fraud of BFL and you want to stand on YOUR laurels and "principles" and be above the whole thing?
Well, you just stand on your laurels and principloes and hope to fuck that one day YOU don't all off.
You don't fight thieves and fraudsters by being a nice guy and playing by Marquis of Queensbury rules.
You get'em in a knockdown dragout, you bite off eir ears and noses, you gouge their eyes, you grab their cojones and squeeze as had as you can, you hit'em abvoe the belt; you hit'em below the belt, you kick them when they are down and you keep hitting and kicking until they PAY THE FUCK UP!
This is what my plan is about and if you don't like, quite frankly I think that you should do one of two thing:
(1) Offer a better plan.
(2) Just shut the fuck up.
Makes no difference to me.
Rant over for now.
Thanks for reading.
The Dutchman.