I'm having this problem for a few days already, it's really weird...
I'm using sendmany to send a lot of transaction from my website (0.001, 0.002 or 0.003 BTC).
The array that I create is correct and the amount that's suppose to send is also correct.
I'm going to give you an example of today's payments.
http://blockchain.info/tx-index/3008384/b9ad0146730ff82eb905dcb360ad8d9c9590d8f1a5efd5661fcaa094e37780ceSearch for address "18SdzA1Xwox3TE34NzYa4BtEpwNgzaw68s". You'll see that the amount sent was 0.001 BTC.
Now take a look to my client:
http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/3347/btcproblem.pngI received 0.003 BTC.
And if you're thinking it's because of confirmations, it's not. Because I have many other examples with 100 ++ confirmations...
So, what's the problem?