So Yahoo News ran
this article about people who have done some pretty dumb stuff in the past using a new European law to force Google to remove links to negative stories about them. Like this O'Neal guy being
forced out of Merrill Lynch & Co. for basically setting the company up to lose a lot of money in the banking crisis of a few years ago and then talking about selling it without approval from the board of directors.
Of course, I just figured that being removed from Google results might not be such a bad thing. I'm sure there are people in this would who might not want the whole world finding out that they were an immature twat when they were seventeen years old, or they might be hiding from an abusive ex who might use Google to track them down. And mostly I posted this to make the point that, they might not find you on Google, but that doesn't mean that people won't find out if they aren't lazy people who rely on search engines to find information.