The order went through, it now states that I have 20ghs active though even though it only should be 10. Could I get an answer on why that is so?
You said you already had 10, and ordered 10 more?
20 is correct then, isn't it?
The first 10 were from the free trial. I now should have 12ghs active but it says 22. Just wondering.
I can cancel it if you want

We quietly decided not to cancel the free trials after the 7 day period. They run as regular contracts (with the withdrawal limitation though!). Out of 300+ applicants only 2 or 3 decided to get paid contracts (the reason we discontinued free trials - people were mislead into wrong purpose of our trials, they thought they would be able to withdraw free coins), so that's a little gift for those decided to stay with us. 10 GH/s is not worth a lot anyway, a happy customer is worth more.

Haha, I had noticed mine was running as a regular contract as well after I
had gotten my 3 referral sales confirmed, and I guessed it was intentional.
It's a nice gesture for sure.