I just started using p2pool, and I want to know how to view my own stats. I am using rockminer r-box's running on a raspberry pi. My username is my BTC address, but I am unaware how to find my stats.
Are you running your own p2pool node? If yes, and you're using the default front end, just go to
http://your.node.ip.address:9332/staticThat will show you your stats.
I have no idea, this is what I typed in for the mining address
http://p2pool.org:9332And I used my bitcoin address as my username.
You are definitely not running your own node - you're paying somebody else 2% to run it for you. Anyway, just go to that website, and look for your miner's address. You'll see how much your expected payout is, along with your hash rate. Those are all the stats you'll see. If you want more, I suggest running your own node, or finding another node that will offer you more details.
If I run a node I get fees? Is there a tutorial on setting up my own node?
You get fees if you decide to charge fees. Running your own node is pretty easy - there are a number of threads right here in this forum that explain how to get it up and running:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=18313.0 - the official p2pool thread. Start here.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=62842.0 - setting up and running merged mining (it's old, but full of valuable info)
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=651819.0 - great guide and pretty much 2 clicks and done installation
Also, there are a ton of people here that run nodes. Windpath has a fantastic front end and is my go-to pool when I'm not running my own node (i.e. I'm traveling and take my MBP with me). Norgan has a nice front end as well, but he's in Australia and Singapore, so not really for me. There's also Blisterpool by HunterBunter. And I can't forget NastyPool by OgNasty. Mdude77 runs a node on the west coast of the US. I forget who runs it (forgive me), but it's called galactica geek galaxy. Oh... and raskul has the Central Cavern running in the EU (Amsterdam).
Feel free to post your questions about the running of a node in the official thread - you're likely to get more traction/attention there.