I am tired of people saying folding@home and seti are better projects because bitcoin mining just wastes energy for no good reason.
So my idea is to setup a pool (possibly at
https://xf2.org ) and all the proceeds except for running costs would go to bitcoin charities.
If people leave their computers on for folding@home wont they also leave them on for the EFF ?
This idea came about when sgornick brought up the fact people were mining for the xkcd pool and that here is no need to grief such a pool because the purpose isnt to enrich yourself it is to benefit charities you support.
We have an existing charity management system at witcoin and Id like to expand it to include this project.
http://witcoin.com/charities Do you think this is a project you would support ?
P.S. mined bitcoins means the charities know the exact history of the coins and dont have to worry about anonymous donations with this method.
It also provides a semi permanent bitcoin faucet for charity accepting organisations as long as people support it with their mining.