Is there a new thread for this?
Same thread, this is the only BlackHalo thread, no need to start another. Plus, the newest client is really awesome maybe one day people will start caring about crypto and use the software made for it.
OMG, I really don't know why this thread remains so small after almost 2 years of intensive and active development over this outstanding project.
Halo's team have my admiration for doing so much without presale coins, ICOs, IPOs, crowdfunding etc.
Price Growth, no more volatility
An upcoming revolutionary change is coming to crypto-currency in the Halo platform. We are working on a currency that has the ability to inflate and deflate. Interest rates are controlled by votes and thus, users can grow their own coin in a stable fashion ending the era of the infamous “pump and dump”. You will be able to sell reserve bonds, perform advanced contracts and be your own bank. For Blackcoin, this sister currency will be a stable hedge adding health to the economy.
Isn't that idea already available and developed by the Nu project?
"currency that has the ability to inflate and deflate" =
Nubits"interest rates are controlled by votes" =
Nushare holders vote Nubits' supply and park rates.
Wouldn't just be easier integrating that cryptosystem inside Halo?
The thing is, the Nu project is not decentralized and it uses custodial wallets and elective parking. Its basically front running. And this system I'm making is not any of that.
It works like so:
You control the total supply by allowing miners to vote for +1% or -1% inflation/deflation.
When the total supply deflates, individual inputs are deflated.
Thus if the total supply is 50% deflated and you have a coin that was never spent since 100% you need to pay 50% back to yourself frozen
This creates 2 classes of coins frozen and liquid. It also creates premium and subpremium liquidity based on the rate and input is set to deflate.
In summary, you can turn a 1 billion supply of coins into a 999 million frozen and 1 million liquid coins increasing the price artificially.
This mechanical/decentralized control of price is not limited to $1 in NuBits case but actually allows holders to set any price they see fit.
Supply and Demand the most basic law of economics in existence. Control that and you control price. If Supply < Demand price goes up. If price seems too high inflate and Supply < Demand price will go down.
And thanks, yeah i agree, the project has come far. The new client has decentralized markets and is very stable. More templates are headed our way for easier interaction with smart contracts.