Anyone else having trouble getting wallet to sync?
It's stuck and the number of blocks remaining seems to jump up and down randomly.
Yeah sure its my fault, but I have 56k coins stuck in stake on When I try to update and delete block index, but keep wallet.dat, It only gives me the coins that are not in stake. My stake becomes 0.
you need to:
step 1: open console
step 2: dumpprivkey <address> for each address you have, be sure to write this down.
step 3: close xst-qt, goto appdata, back up wallet.dat to a safe location, delete everything in the folder.
step 4: make sure you are on v
step 5: open qt, may take a little to find nodes, since we cleared tor folder in step 3 it has to do the full re-init of the tor network.
step 6: open console. type importprivkey <privatekeyfromstep2> for each key you got in step 2
step 7: wait for sync and watch your coins come back.
Perfect thank you!