Thanks to all who responded to my previous post. Here is where I am now. Any comments, suggestions, or recommendations appreciated.
My grandson bought some ASIC mining hardware that he attached to his computer. But it has a noisy fan and gets in the way of his game playing. Also he keeps downloading viruses.
To help him learn some security and computer science while supporting his mining interest.
My idea is to attach his hardware to a Udoo Quad which could be left running off in a corner somewhere. I need to learn a lot about bitcoin or he will get frustrated and give up. So far I've gotten bitcoin core to build and bitcoin-qt to run with the following results :
a) It uses all the RAM and an additional 750+ Mb swap;
b) It uses about 26% of one core;
c) It might work for managing one wallet, but is too slow for anything else.
d) Power consumption is minimal
The next step for me is to join the Udoo up with some mining hardware and get that running. This go-around the hardware should be cheap, but good enough to keep the kid interested. He can spend his own money to buy expensive hardware
Any suggestions?