Straight and simple, I see people asking for investments for playing dice, which is pure luck and they even offer you very high rating of profits.
Since I want to help others to do a little profit without big expectations, I wanna put my ability for giving you max 50% of profit of what you send.
Treat it as an investiment for a very short time, usually a day or 2.
Some people asked me to try to do what I offer and remained shocked when I gave them back their money plus a bigger profit than requested( it happened many times that i gave out 100% of profit)
Why you should invest in me you say? If you feel always unlucky, that the world looks bad at you and you want to smile at least once in a while for having trusted someone, then you can trust me!
Another question people always ask me,
if you are that good, why don't you do it with your money and don't disturb us?Of course I even use my money to do so! how do you think I can afford all the stuff I bought this year for me,friends and parents?
And now some recent proofs for showing you how much profit I did recently.
Look at how much Blackcoins I deposited and how many I took out from the website can even ask about me at, they will tell you how much I'm loved and loyal there. On december 2013 I did a big victory on Bit777 and with my method I earned enough to buy my new phone, entirely with bitcoins.
Min: 0.01 - Max 0.03
If it happens in a complete failure, I will return the original amount as soon as possible
You can even follow what's happening via my dedicated addy: 1BLackJU6EXMXw9p4bz3AvB8MXJN48VCxW
For now, see you
Edit: Accepted BTC and Blackcoins, for now, since Satoshibet accepts both