Here's an angle I haven't seen discussed. I may be misinterpreting this, in which case someone please put me straight. The Russian-English sometimes makes it hard for me to understand.
At the top of this thread, bitcoinex said:
Yes, dammit, I resent, because paying for the work with bitcoins! Confess that you simply draw exchange rates!
My English interpretation is:
"Dammit, I resent having to pay people (for work done) with Bitcoins! Confess that you (i.e. MtGox) are fixing the exchange rate!"Perhaps bitcoinex contracted with someone to do some work, and set a price in BTC (e.g. 100BTC per week). It's now costing too much to buy the BTC to pay for the work being done.
A bit later in this thread:
I'm certainly interested as bitcoiny used to pay for and now I will have to pay 3 times more ... Such jumps put a cross on the distribution of bitcoin as a means of payment.
"I like the idea of Bitcoin as a means of payment, but now I have to pay three times as much (because of the rate increase). These jumps (in the exchange rate) are a black mark against the use of Bitcoin as a means of payment."Perhaps bitcoinex is financially desperate due to the three-times increase in his costs (measured in fiat), and he can't meet the payments due.
MagicalTux said that the ransom demand associated with the DDOS asked for two things: a sum of money, and for the MtGox exchange rate to be reduced. Now who might want those two particular things?
Then bitcoinex's exchange stops paying out, but for a short time keeps accepting deposits. These things make one wonder.
I'm not making any kind of allegation here. I'm just painting how the material already out there already looks, and inviting bitcoinex to clear his name.