We don't need to seek approval from a higher power, from a central party that is responsible for allocating and managing our lives. Because we believe we can do it better. Ourselves. We can serve our needs better when we do it between ourselves. We need to be responsible because, at the end of the day, if you are going to go to some mafia and ask them to be responsible for your life, they are always going to look after themselves and their friends and their people first..
Instead to go trough a legal system, with lawyers, and judges, and police, and bureaucrates, and politicians and legislators. Now we can use mathematical laws. And we can disintermediate a huge body of institutions, of power, of greed, to create pure law between people, governed by ourselves, with a mathematicaly undisputable consensus...
Je ne croirais plus jamais en aucune institution. Il n'y a que les mathématiques qui ne mentent pas.
Sans un système trustless comme les cryptomonnaies, la civilisation est condamné.
Je ne me fais pas d'illusion, tout va certainement se casser la gueule et c'est tant mieux. Nous pouvons déjà nous adapter au monde de demain pendant que les autres s'entre-tuent au nom de leurs institutions.