While many influential financial figures, including ... investor Warren Buffett, have dismissed the potential of bitcoin...
Didn't Warren Buffett come around on Bitcoin? Or am I thinking of someone else?
I've felt that one of the biggest problems Bitcoin has faced was the view of it as an investment instead of a form of payment. I think that strong attitude early on painted it too much like a get rich quick scheme of the internet. A lot of the bad rep from situations like Silk Road didn't help either. Investment bubble or drug money: neither view helped us out any.
But it's coming around very nicely now. I think announcements like what Dell released earlier are really going to push things in the right direction. Strong support of Bitcoin as payment and not some "weird cyber-stock" is what we need to give Bitcoin legitimacy without government interference or regulation.
Well, to contradict myself a bit here: I think the IRS ruling ultimately helped as well. Most of us may not want government laws on Bitcoin, but it did give Bitcoin a sense of recognition that I think helped it gain ground with companies like Dell (and hopefully more to come).
If we can push the investment bubble view out of the way and make Bitcoin more accessible and understandable to the average consumer, we'll be in great shape.