Thanks xcloudcoin for the prompt reply
I see the integration of wallet into the owncloud and this is unique.This is what I want to know for this project which it seems an amazing project.
As for the content I understand that the cloud is a centralized service and I would like to ask if there is an option for making it decentralized by storing the data in the block chain (see for example).
As for the content recognition you are mentioning I assume you are using a content ID. Is this content ID will identifying also copyrighted material like mp3, e-books, movies etc ? Cause if not then the cloud service will face legal issues from the persons - companies that they hold this materials and this may create additional problems for the cloud service or even will drive the service to the court cause it maybe stands for piracy and illegal distribution of content.In my opinion you should take care of the law about the distribution of copyrighted material.
On the other hand if the cloud service is totally decentralized (as bitcloud stands for) then there is nothing you can do for copyrighted material.
As for the wallet, I've seen that is integrated into the cloud.
I would like to ask, is this integrated via web API ?
Is there an independent wallet application that it will be distributed as well?
The wallet security will be based on the cloud's user credentials only ?
Is there a transaction fee ?
And finally is there an option for selling materials via the cloud ? (i.e. let's say I am a musician, as long as the service can stream mp3 it might be a great usage of the cloud if I can sell directly my music directly via the cloud - and of the materials can stay only in the cloud, as encrypted materials then I am protected as well).
Sorry for all those questions.This project seems very interesting and very promising but unfortunately the OP doesn't covers all of my queries on this.
Great post Vrontis,
at this point we are still researching that possibility to have a decentralized drive has a extra feature on the cloud or wallet.
for copyright and content id we are integrating a flag o report module that is required so content could be flag or reported and taken down if is in any violation.
great example on the mp3 possibilities, like right now your able to keep what you want private or share it, everything could be password protected or have a time expiration set to it while sharing it.
a payment system is currently under research xcloudpay, users would be able to send and receive payments and even setup and escrow if need it, more details will be release at do time, we do have a list that everything we have under current research on our website.
the online wallet is being tested in 2 ways with a secure web api fully working and a direct module in the cloud on current development.
we would really appreciate your feedback send me an inbox so you could get an invite for beta testing.