I like the theme of this, but I see some strange resemblance to another gambling site. To give you the benefit of the doubt before accusing, do you operate any other gambling sites?
Hello Shallow, this is my first site make with bitcoin technology and my first page some serious as soon as the use of php and mysql.
I am glad for you like because all original idea of game, control logic and all designs in html, css and javascript is mine and all is make for me, the only thing that is not mine is the chat, the captcha and the images and I feel very proud for see it come true in Internet.
The idea came to me by system of voting for cryptocurrencys in some exchanges also I wanted make a game like a satoshidice but with more usability.
I think that maybe the instruction is not clarify and the marketing is not good.
At present I am working in other game like a lottery and I'll add a banner with the contents of the urn.
Thank for your feedback