Algorithm: X13
Total PoW Coins: 1,000,000 ADD
PoW Period: 1 day
PoW Blocks: 1,440
Block Target: 1 minutes
Maturity: 100 Confirmations
PoS: 10% year
Minimum Stake Time: 4 hours
Total money supply: 5 million
PoW Block Rewards:
Block 1 to 480 = Reward 520 ADR, 250,000
Block 481 to 960 = Reward 1040 ADR, 500,000
Block 961 to 1440 =Reward 520 ADR, 250,000
Wallet & Source
Adderalcoin will replicate its pharmaceutical effects in a crypto manner. Being an amphetamine,
“speed”, it is an important concept to this coin thus explaining the ninja launch. In addition, it makes you focused, extremely
concentrated, and somewhat dull once you begin the come down. With that said, POW will last 24 hours. Prepare yourselves
for a speedy ride! AdderalCoin is ninja launching on your ass like an instant release 30mg IR! Let the crack out binge begin!!
As POW begins, mimicking the effects of Adderall, the rewards received from each hashed block will gradually increase until
the “peak” block is hashed. This block will dispense the highest reward return. Following the “peak” block, POW reward will
resume to 520. This can be thought of as the “come down” of Adderall.
Continuing forward, POS will last indefinitely as once your prescribed Adderall, you will be on it forever. As like the POW
concept, and will remain at 10% indefinitely annually.
Keep in mind this a cloned open source coin. It has absolutely no stunning features, nor anonymous sending. Let this coin be
a model for what happens every fucking day in crypto-land, with a new coin. Coin features/techno savvy elements don’t
mean shit. It’s all about fooling you into thinking those things matter. When’s the last time you used TOR or sent a payment
“anonymously”? Go ahead, we’ll wait…yep, never, we thought so. It’s all about BTC and fiat. Fuck everything else. Haven’t
you realized last week’s flavor of the week has melted already?
There are maybe a handful of “stable” alt coins, but the majority have nothing more to offer than Adderalcoin . Can’t hate
on us for being brutally honest as were making a statement with this coin. That being said, get tweeking!