What is the status of new development?
Test some features, the report will be later.
I promised post report - it is!
Dear ICB members! I'm glad to present you new ICB feature - built-in-wallet trade module!
I have tested this module and have spent my time so you do not waste your!
So, module is in your wallet and have all to trade from wallet in Bittrex as you trade in exchange!
Order book in realtime...
...and realtime market trade history
You can buy or sell amount or in max available btc
and after check executed orders in your trade history
In settings you can add API keys
You can trade from different wallets using different API keys.
In balance tab you can see all ICB and BTC available balance and create ICB address (if you not have it or want transfer coins to exchange).
Use blockexplorer from RCG if need!
http://icebergexplorer.revivalco.in/ "Open Orders" tab show your orders.
Release date is september, 25 ! Soon!