I cannot mine with GPU! CPU is working but GPU isn't!
I get this:
sgminer.exe --pool-algorithm bitblock -I 21 --no-submit-stale -o -u USER -p PASSWORD
[23:16:20] Started sgminer v4.2.1
[23:16:20] Probing for an alive pool
[23:16:21] No suitable long-poll found for[23:16:21] Startup GPU initialization... Using settings from pool
[23:16:21] Building binary bitblockHawaiigw256l4big4.bin
[23:16:21] Unable to open bitblock.cl for reading!
[23:16:21] Failed to init GPU thread 0, disabling device 0
[23:16:21] Restarting the GPU from the menu will not fix this.
[23:16:21] Re-check your configuration and try restarting.
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