Good day folks
I was wondering these days how much GHS it would
take to mine 2BTC a month?
At current difficulty, 2.484TH/s
Wow ok thank you for the info have a goodone.
I think that scared him away pretty quickly
Also, keep in mind that the difficulty increases at an exponential rate. Meaning: It will be less and less profitable mining bitcoin with each difficulty adjustment. Please make sure, you understand what exponential growth is, before mining bitcoin or investing in a bitcoin mining rig.
I'm sure it did... these types of questions are typically asked by people who think they're going to get rich by leaving their 5 year old PC running in the basement and creating magic internet money. I suppose I could have explained how I got that answer, but since the question itself shows little to no effort put in by the OP to understand how the mining process works, what role difficulty plays in the equation, or to see one of the many other threads on these forums that mention the multitude of online calculators, I figured I'd save myself the trouble and just scare him with the fact that right now he'd need nearly 2.5TH/s to mine those 2
BTC a month.