Launch day of Wallet: 12:00 PM GMT, 5th August, 2014
Release Planning
For promoting digital currency to those people who are interested in it, we sincerely hope you all to translate Released Planning into your own language with correct grammar and attach with path of original post. After that, you will have 6,000 MLS as reward.
If you are interested in this, please send a message to us.
Below: Mozzlive-share abbreviates to MLS
Mozzcoin abbreviates to Mozz
Introduction: Digital currency plays an increasingly important role in the world and we believe it will be popular among people. Mozzria manages to combine mobile platform and digital currency, which creates a new field in the Internet. There are three core products in our company, such as MOZZ, MOZZGAME and MOZZLIVE. Hoping that would bring new life to eco-system.
MLS is divided into two parts, GPUshare and CPUshare. Each of them exchanges 7.5% from total Mozz in the end. Early shareholders are giving priority to take part in alpha and have other benefits. Additionally, 9% is output directly from genesis block and is mainly used in further development, operation, cooperation, and rewards to those who contribute to game and Mozzria.
For a basic price reference and company's running, we sincerely hope you can join us and become one part of us. There are many market conducts, such as price fluctuations, hashrate, benefits and number of players. All value is needed to be examined by market. We will not intervene in market, but develop game and offer service.
We add a new proof called POM (Proof of Manpower) into game designed. And the final model combines game with Mozz is what we called POW+POS+POM, but MLS is only released in POW. Without using single POS to release MLS, because we hope more MLS can be distributed to other people as soon as possible through POW. Miner's role in POW may be publisher, accountant, guardian and those who stabilize and balance market price fluctuations in MLS accounting system. It reflects and follows free, open and decentralized digital currency.
Proofs of Mozz: POW: 50% (tentative) digs from GPU as POW, for supporting operation in system of digital currency. Miners in GPU complete issue of share&coin through digging blocks and get Mozz as rewards. Miners' benefit and balance of system are depending on free, open market conducts.
POS: Increases integrated system security and expansibility in future.
POM: Proof of Manpower. Players enjoy game by using mobile phone and get Mozz easily through competition. This is unique to Mozz.
Features of GPU: GPU algorithm and device are more average, decentralized, equal than any others, and easier to join. Learning from mining history, algorithm can stay for a long time in the mining process of GPU. Besides, in order to avoid over-centra
lization due to using FPGA, ASIC and other devices, the official should keep option to change algorithm so that it would be easy to take part in mining.
Parameter of MLS:Proof: POW
Total coins: 210 million
Block time: 60 seconds
Ripening time of latest block: 48h
Genesis block 9%
No. 1440 block 3% ±1 Day
No. 11520 block 5% ±7 Days
No. 54720 block 8% ±30 Days
Once start mining, we will work hard to complete the game production as soon as possible, the longer development cycle, the lower the proportion of currency held by the team.This is our self-restraint.
Other 75% will be output on average in 30 months
Above, MLS mainly refers to GPUSHARE.
We have been working hard at looking for the best algorithm in CPUSHARE.
CONTENT PRESENTATION:Algorithm: HEFTY1WEB: www.mozzshare.comPool: this link is under construction
Pool: the mining link is
Mining Software: Mining efficiency of AMD and NVIDIA is nearly the same. Best MAXWELL of NVIDIA is 750TI
cgminer for AMD GPU
Linux(Source Code) Windows Drivers
Connection string is:
cgminer.exe --heavy --vote 0 -o stratum+tcp://pool:port -u user -p password --worksize 64 -I 4
Has a positive correlation with GPU and no need too much MHz. Additionally, power consumption is about half of scrypt, for example, 7850 is about 60w
Instance Parameter: AMD 7850
cgminer.exe --heavy --vote 0 -o stratum+tcp://pool:port -u user -p password --worksize 64 -I 4 --gpu-engine 1100 --gpu-memclock 300
cgminer for NVIDIA GPU
Linux(Source Code) Windows Drivers
Connection string is:
ccminer35 -a heavy -v 0 -o stratum+tcp://pool:port -u user -p password
CPU mining:
Not advice to use CPU mining, because it is slower than GPU
Linux(Source Code) Mac 64-bit Windows
Connection string is:
minerd.exe -a heavy -v 0 -o stratum+tcp://pool:port -u user -p password
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