original announcement.Specialty
Scalable, yet decentralized.Bitcoin, Litecoin or any other wildly popular and established coin have the development team to implement any of the new innovative features provided by new coins. The reason why they don't implement it is cause it requires a
hard fork – something so risky, it can take the whole network down, cause of lost payments, balance and in general cause a huge amounts of loss.
This coin tries to improve on that by
'Automated blockchain forking', which makes implementing any
new feature which requires a hardfork a breeze with no risk of any loss regardless of how popular the coins is, or how many billion people are using it. This coin is infinitely
We will never announce a hard fork in bold red letters ('urgent') cause
Automated blockchain forking technology
ensures you're always on the right chain and the chain is
never forked cause of incompatible changes to the wallet.
'Automated blockchain forking' ensures scalability along with the same decentralized feature of Bitcoin. Except HardForkCoin peer addresses, the wallet does not connect to any other nodes in attempts to determine the next hard fork. The hardforking schedule is built in to the wallet. That means if the community abandons the developer team for another team/developer or the developer team suddenly goes missing, a takeover can be done in the same way as with other altcoins.
ASIC proofFor the first time in any cryptocurrency,
guarantee you this coin
will remain ASIC proof cause of it's scalability.
Instead of deploying complicated, CPU-friendly algorithms, we use use simple GPU and ASIC friendly algorithms. And as soon as an
ASIC is on the verge of being made,
we simply change the algorithm by automated hard forking, cause it's so easy to implement it for us regardless of how popular the coin is.
Limited impact of security vulnerabilitiesCause it's mandatory to upgrade the wallet after a limited time frame,
any wallet security vulnerability has limited impactSpecification
Difficulty retargetEvery block based on the last 25 block. Swift difficulty retarget to prevent instamine/multipools.
KGW, DGW and Digishield promote instamine and multipool.To intimidate instaminers the difficulty should quickly readjust so the instaminer can't take advantage of low difficulty for long. KGW, DGW and Digishield do the opposite;
they retarget slowly/'smoothly' so the intaminer/multipool can mine blocks at the speed of light and go away leaving the difficulty sky high for regular miners to mine at fraction of the normal pace for a long time.
So KGW, DGW and Digishield prove advantageous to multipools/instaminers and make life harder for regular miners.
Moving average based difficulty retarget of HFC
adapts to the new hash rate of instaminers/multipools within 25 blocks completely giving them a hard time at an instant. After they leave (very soon), within the next 25 blocks difficulty will readjust to the new stable and lowered hash rate. Even if the multipools/intaminers were mining at 10 times the hash rate,
the network will recover 100% in less than 2 hours (actually much less than this).
Another flaw with difficulty retarget implementations of other coins is that their difficulty goes up and down by a small percentage; this again helps instaminers cause the difficulty retarget is sluggish. But with HFC, with
each block the difficulty can go up or down by 1000% (practically unlimited) by which it can adapt
instantaneously to the new hash rate intimidating instaminers. Yes – some miners may be lucky, they may churn out a block or 2 in rapid succession, but luck runs out, that's why we take moving average of the last 25 blocks.
Block interval30 second block interval ensures this coin is fast enough for most applications and can replace the likes of Visa, Mastercard and other payment gateways.
AlgorithmBlake is a GPU friendly algorithm which provides maximum protection, cause GPU power is the most expensive to lend.
Block rewardsConstant 237 coins per block till all of 500 million coins have been mined. After this,
5% inflation will be enforced the first year (decreasing subsequently) which is the
average inflation of top 10 economies excluding outlying data (eurozone is taken as a single economy). This will take approximately 2 years.
2 years is good enough to distribute the coin evenly to the public, and 2 years is the maximum you can do with high inflation rate of mining before it takes a serous toll on the prices.
Premine0.25% premine. Address – BZuh2LnvFazZUoGPK6ogfVpssQhwfUhqkU
1st AugustCoin launched.
15th AugustWallet icons developed.
None yet.
We're planning new feature later on (can be easily implemented via automatic hard forking) which include –
Coinjoin or Ring signature based anonymity.
In built game like Huntercoin. By the end of the 500 million coins mining, we plan to distribute some of the block rewards via human mining instead of regular mining. Some of the inflation may too be implemented via an inbuilt game. In case bots are developed to play the game, this feature will be removed/reimplemented in the next hardfork.
Namecoin like DNS system.
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