Well, congrats on remembering it, I think. I can honestly say that I won't be able to remember something like that. I can barely remember the birthday of my own mom, so how would I remember something like that?
Try it bud, this is what i did.
When I created my wallet from bitaddress I kept hitting "generate new wallet" until I saw a funny word at the start.
we all know they start with a 5. Here is an example address;
5NiNJA Lf9z gWQn ogid DA76 MzPL 6TsZ ZY36 hWXM ssSz NydY XYB9 KF
1234 5678 9012 3456 7890 1234 5678 9012 1234 5678 9012 34
so memorizing NiNJA is easy. The rest I did like this:
Day1. After the shower, I wrote down 4 charachters on the palm of my hand. ( luckily i have a lot of meetings at work, so i get to look at my hand a lot.
) Lf9z
Day2. then i wrote the next four on my hand. gWQn
Day3. All eight. Lf9z gWQn
Day4. All eight. Lf9z gWQn
Day5. ogid
day6. DA76
day7. ogid DA76
day8. ogid DA76
day9. MzPL
day10 6TsZ
day11 MzPL 6TsZ
day12 MzPL 6TsZ
day13 ZY36
day14 hWXM
day15 ZY36 hWXM
day16 ZY36 hWXM
day17 ssSz
day18 NydY
day19 ssSz NydY
day20 ssSz NydY
day21 XYB9 KB
day22 XYB9 KB
then I tried to associate the end of one block of 8 to the beginning of the new block of 8 so i could get the order correctly, you know, kinda like TCP sequencing.
after that i could say about 90% of it. The other 10 % I just had to work on a bit to get it. (association with things)
I will def keep a paper copy somewhere. I've had several head injuries. ( thanks snowboarding)