has anyone reviewed the code to make sure everything looks ok? these dumps at these prices scare me
I'm not a programmer, but I have learned to look for red flags in a Github, and I see a few here.
- Only 1 commit. That means he basically posted his forked code and didn't do anything since then. So far basically for all we know he copy pasted the coin until we see more code.
- There is a Zerocoin library folder in the Github. We have seen literally dozens of scamcoins this year with that library in there. At best it is unnecessary, at worst it is the calling card of many many scam coins. Every time I see that, especially with an unknown dev who promises new tech, I'm immediately hesitant.
- The whole multiwallet concept to me makes no sense. I think what he's describing is a low tech solution similar to stealth addresses. But in this case you don't have an unlimited number of alternative addresses, you have 10,000. It just seems odd.
Overall I would be hesitant to invest in this coin unless we saw more code.
I wouldn't be concerned about the 1 commit. He forked another coin, edited the parameters, then uploaded it to github. That's pretty standard until the dev needs to make an update.
The presence of the Zerocoin library doesn't bother me either. It was probably in whatever coin he forked, no big deal.
Here's the pros and cons that I've seen:
-Dev has been fairly active in the thread. This is a good sign but there have been other scam devs that have been active until their dump, then disappeared.
-I looked at the code and everything appears to match up to what the dev says (premine amount, number of POW blocks, etc.). If there is a scam in the code, it's not obvious.
-Small premine, assuming no hidden premine or other scammy code. Dev has been paying bounties and is offering more for further development.
-Launch is almost identical to most recent scamcoins (X11, promise of some new anonymity feature that doesn't yet exist)
-Layout of OP and images used appear very similar to ConcealCoin OP