I recently bought a 1th/s machine as an upgrade to replace my 100gh/s. It is lovely but I cannot connect to its IP address. No matter what I do or how I fiddle with it, it will not allow me to connect. All the signs on the machine (lights, noise, reaction to being plugged into internet and attempting to connect and mine) are working and showing me that it works, I just can't connect. I am turning to you all in the hopes that one of you can help me solve this. Included will be links to the page of instructions I was given and the ebay item so that you can see and maybe give me better advice knowing what I am working with.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/89n6g9155b11an5/Setting%20up%20your%20MintForge%201TH%20Bitcoin%20Miner%20v5.pdfhttp://www.ebay.com/itm/1TH-s-Bitcoin-Mining-Rig-Machine-Miner-using-COINCRAFT-A1-28nm-ASIC-Chips-1T-/181465227422?pt=US_Virtual_Currency&hash=item2a402ba09ePlease help but keep your instructions as simple as possible as I am still a newbie.
also info from the seller.
The sticker must have fallen off.
Here are a few things we need to do:
1) Make sure your router is configured for the 192.168.1.X subnet. To do this please let me know the IPCONFIG of a laptop or desktop on the same network so we can see the settings.
2) Make sure the machine is powered on, connected to Ethernet, and the lights on the Raspberry Pi are turning on.
3) Download NMap tool for Windows from here:
http://nmap.org/download.html4) Open NMap on a computer using the same network and do a quick scan for "" as the search criteria.
5) Check what devices are connected to the network and look for one called "Raspberry Pi" This is the IP address of the machine.
6) Access the machine via web console like