Nah leave it on, and we just use this to spread the truth.

Let the idiot spread his FUD, it just makes him look stupid anyways. There are no facts to back up his claims and the facts proof the opposite anyways.
I think he posted something on the forum, and it was deleted, because it was FUD and Spam, and now he is angry and trying something else to get attention.
1. Show us the "backdoor" in the
BTC open source protocol. {If you even know what Open source is}
2. Post something on the CIA or whatever, backed by facts, and see if it gets deleted.
3. Post any source to backup your story.
4. Proof the translation of "Yakamoto Satoshi" name.
Then we will take you serious, until then, you just a idiot troll spreading useless FUD to get attention or to get paid.