If you are reading this and in the last couple of days have used btc2pay's supposed bitcoin to paypal desposit service, please don't hold your breath. I've waited 8 days to be sure but now coming across others that have waited over a month with no response from either btc2pay or the Prestige Escrow service that they use.
The best part? I thought they were legit as they were advertising on Bit Coin News.
8 days ago I confidently followed banner link on
www.thebitcoinnews.co.uk for an advert for BTC2pay promising to pay bitcoins value straight to Paypal (btc to paypal exchange).
I did a test transaction of 0.10 btc using the PrestigeEscrow service. I completed all information including my paypal address and a bitcoin address to receive a refund.
I immediately received 3 autoresponders for 3 transactions from
info@prestigeescrow.com confirming.
Item name: BTC to Paypal Exchange
Price in BTC: 0.10
BTC wallet: 1N8FCyspoxC3XC7Lzzo54qoxM2ibYp8GyC
http://blockchain.info/hu/address/1N8FCyspoxC3XC7Lzzo54qoxM2ibYp8GyCTransaction ID: 53dd516a20e3653016795153dd516a21311
Item name: BTC to Paypal Exchange
Price in BTC: 1.0
BTC wallet: 1N2xHVfA2u2MtjctvfjoxP6ZheSGhYbdzJ
http://blockchain.info/hu/address/1N2xHVfA2u2MtjctvfjoxP6ZheSGhYbdzJTransaction ID: 53dd5ccb6e21f35883639753dd5ccb6e671
Item name: BTC to Paypal Exchange
Price in BTC: 0.10
BTC wallet: 1MyQ921Xxm5AXvFso4xPZi4GXKNApo3hQA
http://blockchain.info/hu/address/1MyQ921Xxm5AXvFso4xPZi4GXKNApo3hQATransaction ID: 53dd5db477a1b20045488153dd5db4780f7
Over the last 8 days I have attempted to follow this up with emails and support requests to to
sales@btc2pay.net and emails to
info@prestigeescrow.com and using the support/contact form on Prestige Escrow. Again from prestige escrow an autoresponder to acknowledge receipt of my mail (4 days ago) with a from email of
info@xxxxx.com !
So do not be burnt. And do not believe that because a site like Bit Coin News is carrying advertising for a so-called btc exchange to currency service that such service is legit. I do wonder what measures Bitcoinnews takes to ensure that their advertisers are not going to scam and rip off their site visitors in this way.