Hi everyone, my names Matt, or mining5911. I am new here as you can probably tell! I finally got my mining rig ordered, a Zeuesminer Thunder X3 45Mh/s. I thought I would have enough by now but I dont and need about $250 or 0.45
BTC to get it up and running once it gets here, it should be making around $150 a week so I can pay back as fast as possible. I can put up my forum domain GamingMB.com as collateral. The site is worth about $2k, and you could sell the domain or site rather easily. Please contact me on Skype if you want to talk. Need a trusted member so I know I can get my domain back, as it is worth a lot more to me than $250.
PROOF OF WEBSITE WORTH: http://www.siteprice.org/website-worth/www.gamingmb.comHere is some ways to contact me (If you want to talk please add me on Skype, much easier!):
Skype: live:mining5911
ONLINEThat is not proof of website worth. It's a silly tool that overestimates the value of websites worth pennies.