https://github.com/zone117x/node-stratum-pool There is a function in transactions.js called generateOutputTransactions ( here:
https://github.com/zone117x/node-stratum-pool/blob/master/lib/transactions.js#L126 ) which creates generation transaction.
And there are these lines:
if (rpcData.payee) {
var payeeReward = Math.ceil(reward / 5);
reward -= payeeReward;
rewardToPool -= payeeReward;
var payeeScript = util.addressToScript(rpcData.payee);
rpcData, from what I found, is a result of calling the getblocktemplate rpc command.
But what is this rpcData.payee? There is no such thing when I call getblocktemplate in bitcoin's console. And these line are the only place in the project where this "payee" occurs.
Do you have an idea?
p.s. this project is being actively developed, so I don't think it's an error.
edit: after some googling, I found that there is another project with this "payee" field from getblocktemplate:
https://github.com/darkcoinproject/darkcoin-stratum/blob/1aa9317eb1612e290d9dad232744a1cda844471a/lib/block_template.py#L57But, apart from that, google doesn't bring any useful information.