I live in a different country and I email a couple times a month. I usually call once a month but sometimes don’t at all ,sometimes I call more if there is a birthday or I need something done for me
My mom guilt trips me into talking.
"I just hope you say everything you want because someday I'll be gone and you'll look back and ask why we didn't talk more often..."
lol mine doesn’t guilt me that bad but I still feel guilty know I should call more but there is a 16 hour time difference makes it difficult sometimes. Its easy to not call during the week and then forget on the weekend, then all of a sudden I haven’t talked to them in a couple of months...
I update g+ with baby pictures and tell them I hope they’re doing well when they comment
I don’t feel too bad though. my brother in law lives in a different city but comes into town (where his parents still live) for business a few times a year. He doesn’t call or stop by pretty nice guy and he cares about his mom, he just doesn’t really seem to like seeing her