Next litecoin difficulty is estimated LOWER than the prior one.
The current difficulty is LOWER than the last one right now, and we've seen multiple successive difficulty drops in litecoin difficulty before (as you can see below). However, that doesn't matter at all because the same pattern happens to bitcoin as well, just in a slightly different way. The difficulty usually goes up a tiny percentage for 4-5 changes, and then it goes up significantly for one or two difficulty changes before rising slowly again. In litecoin we see a 1-2 decreases in difficulty, then 1-2 slight increases, and the 1-2 increases in difficulty that are far bigger than any of the bitcoin changes. That is completely normal, and it doesn't signal this decoupling in price.
Here, look at the pattern for yourself:
Jun 13 2014 10,308 -4.23% 295,148 MH/s
Jun 09 2014 10,763 7.78% 308,182 MH/s
Jun 06 2014 9,986 9.54% 285,936 MH/s
Jun 03 2014 9,116 2.43% 261,030 MH/s
May 30 2014 8,901 4.10% 254,850 MH/s
May 27 2014 8,550 14.67% 244,803 MH/s <------HUGE increase in difficulty just after decoupling
May 24 2014 7,456 -5.36% 213,478 MH/s
May 20 2014 7,878 1.78% 225,561 MH/s <------THIS is where the decoupling begins
May 17 2014 7,740 6.14% 221,624 MH/s
May 13 2014 7,292 7.01% 208,806 MH/s
May 10 2014 6,815 -4.37% 195,132 MH/s
May 06 2014 7,126 -2.89% 204,045 MH/s
May 03 2014 7,338 3.46% 210,119 MH/s
Apr 29 2014 7,093 17.24% 203,086 MH/s
Apr 26 2014 6,050 15.18% 173,226 MH/s
Apr 23 2014 5,253 1.75% 150,399 MH/s
Apr 20 2014 5,162 -10.81% 147,817 MH/s <------NO decoupling happens here
Apr 16 2014 5,788 -1.82% 165,741 MH/s
Apr 12 2014 5,896 1.49% 168,809 MH/s
Apr 09 2014 5,809 -6.17% 166,322 MH/s
Apr 05 2014 6,190 7.73% 177,252 MH/s
Apr 02 2014 5,746 1.22% 164,536 MH/s
Mar 30 2014 5,677 4.72% 162,551 MH/s
Mar 26 2014 5,421 -7.10% 155,220 MH/s
Mar 22 2014 5,835 1.74% 167,086 MH/s
Mar 19 2014 5,736 11.11% 164,237 MH/s
Mar 16 2014 5,162 9.39% 147,815 MH/s
Mar 13 2014 4,719 -0.39% 135,131 MH/s
Mar 09 2014 4,738 20.81% 135,660 MH/s
source: are many negative movements in difficulty during the entire history of litecoin. This is just a symptom of increased volatility that we have always seen in litecoin on every level, from price to trading volumes, and as we see here, net hashrate. You cannot point to the negative difficulty changes as a signifier of the uncoupling, because historically that has never been the case.
Now, let's look at net hashrate. This is the part that completely baffles me. Draw a line through those two curves. The moment that the slope of the hashrate for litecoin is at it's maximum, meaning the increase in hashrate is at it's fastest, is when the price starts to decouple. If the net hashrate is increasing FASTER than bitcoin, than why is the price going LOWER than bitcoin? I know that hashrates do not dictate price, but they usually a good indicator when we are not having a massive bubble.

Looking at the chart above, does anybody want to tackle this question? It seems as if litecoin should moving up in price very quickly in the near future. I am no expert at the technical aspects of the market, but if somebody out there can give us a better explanation, please do. Gold has no functional benefit over silver as a usable form of money or a store of value. The point that litecoin doesn't have increased functionality is not necessarily relevant. There seems to be something more complex than that going on. I can't wrap my head around it.