Once a block is found, and accepted, what/how is it links it to the previous block...
It is not. It is linked to the previous block BEFORE it is "found and accepted".
*I think it is the commonly accepted time stamp
No. Timestamps are not used to link blocks. Timestamps are not even always in order. The timestamps in a block are not a reliable indication of the exact time that a block is solved, and can be off by more than an hour.
and that every one accepts the longest chain, and then is it a has of very thing before + last block to give new hash that must be then used for the next one....*
I'm having a difficult time making sense of what you are saying there. As has already been pointed out, before you start trying to "solve" a block, you first build the block header. The block header includes the hash of the previous block that you are "linking to". This sets an order for the blocks, each block referencing its previous block all the way back to the origin block.
I am being a bit lazy