Hi there i am chris i have my own offline and online businesses and i can help you with numerous things and educate you on various different topics.
English - Icelandic learning (learn to speak and write icelandic like the locals!)
0.075 BTC pr. hour private sessions.
Anything related to marketing - offline or online and SEO. blackhat or whitehat.
Link building services - get panda and hummingbird safe links from me - msg me for more info.
Do you only need a full thorough SEO report on how to get your site on the top ? i'm your man.
I can do keyword research, link building, video creation, seo optimization all of this and much more - feel free to message me with details of what you need.
----------- Websites ----------
Do you need a website created or editing done ?
let me know i can do most tasks including vulnerability scans and reports
----------- Wallet ------------
Did you forget your password on your wallet ?
i can try to crack it for you! price is 0.5 BTC if i succeed.
---------- Computer things -------------
Do you need help encrypting data? or .exe files
Do you want to learn basic VB.net coding ?
Do you want to learn how to hack ? (greyhat)
are you intrested in learning fraud's so that you may protect yourself from it - detailed reports on how credit card and bitcoin theft works and how the thiefs spend the money without getting busted but now you can bust them because you will know all the steps they do.
Tracking your cell phone or computer and monitoring and recovering passwords on websites.
and alot more to come
anything related to websites, coding, business management, business creation, law, languages, hacking, fraud prevention, SEO, marketing, Tax, traveling, paranormal, DOXing, Identities and ghost identities, security consultation, bodyguard rentals, darknet, alt-coin unique ideas that will work, make your computer secure and untracable and uncrackable, and more i most likely can help you with
feel free to message me any question and any service requirement and how much you are willing to pay and the task
if its a simple question feel free to message me and i will maybe reply to it for free of charge.