Its easier if you report the posts in question direclty and write the rule violation in the box that shows up.
Also, I am concerned that it has been moved into Services. I am not "selling a service", but rather Securities is the closest match.
You are offering a Service. The "security" sections is for:
This section is for topics about individual Bitcoin bonds, stocks, etc. Topics about exchange sites which deal in securities should go in the top-level Marketplace section.
Not sure where you originally posted it, but you are not a bond or stock.
Also, the reply I received has the right idea. As such, I think Securities is the correct place for it. In fact, even the troll replies are there because they are trolling (in the correct subforum.)
Trolling is against the rules, you are free to report the posts directly. But frankly with that opening noone is going to take you serious. What makes your post different from a beggars post? They have all the stories; you basically have: "Hey some people call me genius, wana give me money?" Its not even a lengthy post, no credentials, nothing that would make this believable. Whats your specialty? What would be the benefit for your sponsor? etc.