Hi there people. Im a complete noob in bitcoins, miners, altcoins or whatever.. I watched only couple videos on how to configure your miner and so, but completely lost. I have ordeder my GAWminer Black widow with 13MHS i think.. What can you tell me about this one? is it going to be useful at nowadays? AND most biggest question, when I get this miner at home, what should i do to keep him running.. is it hard to confugre to solo or multipools mining? maybe im too noob for this kinda job? please help me.. point me somehere..
And for mining, can i get most of pools,multipools or whatever, or just try to solo mine and get most of it?
you will get better support in altcoins/mining section (
As you are new, I recommend you to use multipools. Easy setup plus they will take care of mining most profitable coin and sell it. You'll get bitcoins directly into your wallet.
average income is around 0.0003 BTC per Mhs daily. (So You will get 0.0039 BTC daily), but this number is decreasing (two weeks ago it was around 0.0004 BTC per Mhs daily).
disadvatage of solomining is that you can possibly waste your time by mining useless coins (uderstand coins which price is dropping rapidly). Also you need to have wallet for this coin, and to be honest I don't think it's good to have multiple clients installed on your system.