Mainly anything that breaks the following rules:
1. No zero or low value, pointless or uninteresting posts or threads.
2. No off-topic posts.
3. No trolling.
4. No referral code (ref link) spam.
5. No link shortners that requires users to view an ad.
6. No linking to phishing or malware, without a warning and a valid reason.
7. No begging.
8. No threats to inflict bodily harm, death threats.
9. Discussions in the main boards must be in english. All other language discussions should be posted in the appropriate Local board.
10. No embedded NSFW images anywhere. NSFW content must be marked accordingly.
11. No linking to illegal trading sites.
12. No duplicate posting in multiple boards (except for re-posting it in the local language boards if it's translated).
13. Bumps, "updates" are limited to once per 24 hours.
15. No on-forum altcoin giveaways.
16. Do not have more than one active sales topic.
17. Trading of goods that are illegal in the seller's or buyer's country is forbidden.
22. Advertising (this includes mining pools, gambling services, exchanges, shops, etc.) in others threads' is no longer allowed, including, but not limited to, in altcoin announcement threads.
24. Advertisements in posts aren't allowed unless the post is in a thread you started and is really substantial and useful.