Don’t go burning your cash or cutting up your credit cards anytime soon. While awareness of bitcoin and other virtual currencies is on the rise, Americans don’t seem in any hury to actually use them.
The WSJ reports that a new survey, from the Conference of State Bank Supervisors and the Massachusetts Division of Banks, found that just over half of those surveyed knew of bitcoin and other currencies, yet just 3% had said they used it.
CSBS survey was taken in May, and questioned 1,000 online consumers.
The WSJ offers up these survey findings:
…the findings aren’t surprising; men, for instance, were more likely (64%) than women (38%) to be aware of virtual currencies. Only a limited number said they’d buy or use them – 65% of the overall respondents said they were “unlikely” to ever use them. Younger respondents were more likely to have purchased bitcoins or other currencies, and Hispanics (30%) and African Americans (24%) were also more likely than whites (14%) to be willing to purchase virtual currencies.
While people in households where the income is over $100,000 were more likely to have heard of bitcoin (70%) than those in lower-income households (43%), they were less likely to say they’d purchase bitcoins (11%) than those in households with incomes of less than $100,000 (19%).
i love statistics
1000 consumers. lets say 500 male 500 females
so 650 people would not use bitcoin
500 males = 320 males knew of bitcoin 180 did not
500 females = 190 females knew of bitcoin 310 did not
meaning 510 total people did know of about bitcoin
meaning 490 total people did not know about bitcoin what so ever
so out of the 510 that did know about it 140 still would not use bitcoin. and 370 would use bitcoin
37% of todays population will in "FUTURE POSSIBLY" adopt bitcoin.. sounds good to me
now if everyone atleast knew about it rather than just half the population.. then the possible adoption would be over 70%