I saw this one coming. I was the first to give him loans, but also the first to stop lending to him for too many red flags. Then several other lenders took the opportunity to loan to him once I stopped

. Either during or after his second loan with me, he:
1) stacked multiple loans, lied about it.
2) had a loan with
BiPolarBob, long overdue, kept quiet about it until someone called him out.
3) started requesting large amounts in quick successions.
4) offered his forum account and LBC account as collateral.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=701592.msg8308785#msg8308785https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=701592.msg8323803#msg8323803Yes he had two successful loans with me, but I stopped because of those recent dodgy behaviors, and I got out in time. When someone starts offering their account as collateral or try to sell it, that should be the biggest hint to not deal. It could be dumped any time, or the new owner will scam you.
Haploid me too, you know what I did though when he got my loan I tricked him, cause I got scared he would have done the same, I told him if he pays me back ill approve him for a .40 loan, then he requested more, then I knew this guy was just a scam waiting to happen.