Hello, i wont go too into depth of whats going on but my whole plan was with a few friends and it went down the drain...after i bought a couple thousand dollars worth of miners. So i have 3 zeus miners, 2 thunders(28ish mh and 900 watt) and 1 hurricane(6-10mh). One of the thunders only mines at 20ish mhs, the middle fan doesnt work so i think a chip is out. I contacted zeus 3 times and got no replies and with everyting else going on im just over it at this point. So i am selling them. Currently a zeus thunder 450 watt 20mh is 476 and the thunder 980 watt 40mh is 979 so id like to sell the good one inbetween there. The gimpy one OBO. The hurricane is selling at 244, i can do it for like 150. I also have the power supplies from frys, i made sure to get good ones so they wouldnt shit out on me. I can pm you the details of them too. If youre interested just message me, i want to get rid of them asap. thanks
if you wanna get rid of them that bad, the prices are gonna have to be really low.