I am very excited to announce the first, ever Dogeparty token game!Dogeparty RunnerThe Original XDP Token Gamehttp://xdpr.adeally.com
Dogeparty Runner is a weekly game of cyberhunt that uses our 4 game tokens (
PRIZES) to solve problems. Players compete in hopes of winning brand new products.
This project is fueled by Dogeparty. We built inherent values in each token so they have a purpose for the runner games and a potential value on the DEX (decentralized exchange), whenever it gets incorporated in the Dogeparty Wallet. While token holders will need the tokens to progress through each day's problem there is also a side strategy to holding Dogeparty Runner tokens that could only be accomplished using Dogeparty. A player may end up with extra tokens because they solved the problem fast and a player may end up needing more tokens because the problem is too hard.
Viola! Instant market values associated with the game tokens. Some players that don't win the weekly prize could still come out on top if they exchange their unused Dogeparty Runner tokens for other tokens on the DEX.
An example of the gameplay can be found below, as well as here:
Dogeparty Runner is a cyberhunt game that tests player's problem solving skills to track down random facts on the interwebs. Along with email and web access, players will need to maintain a Dogeparty wallet in order to buy, trade, redeem and leverage Dogeparty Runner game tokens.
Dogeparty Runner game tokensAll Dogeparty Runner game tokens can be traded on the DEX (decentralized exchange) built into the Dogeparty Wallet web client. Each game token was designed to have an inherent value. Holders of each token has the choice to redeem them for continued gameplay instructions or to trade them on the exchange with anyone needing or wanting more of them.
RUNNER - This token kicks off the gameplay. A player must have this token in their wallet to participate in the start of the game. This token is also awarded when a player correctly answers a problem. It is then used to request the next problem that needs to be solved.
HINTS - This token represents the simplest clue that a player can request to help move along gameplay. A typical problem has 1 hint assigned to it to help move a player along. This token can also be purchased directly from Dogeparty Runner.
CLUES - This token represents more complex clues that a player can request to help move along gameplay. A typical problem has 2 clues assigned to it to help move a player along. This token can also be purchased directly from Dogeparty Runner.
PRIZES - This token is given to the winner of the prize raffle and the game. It can be redeemed for the weekly prize or traded on the exchange.
A strategic example of a way to play Dogeparty Runner and earn extra coins without actually winning could play out as follows:A player is able to solve problems without using all their clue game tokens, leaving them with extra
CLUES that they won't need anymore. This player could list them on the exchange in exchange for DOGE or XDP coins. A player having trouble solving the problems and without anymore clue game tokens could buy the listed ones if the price were right. Players selling Dogeparty Runner game tokens can recoup some of the entry fee they paid to play in the weekly games. All four Dogeparty Runner game tokens can be traded on the exchange during any point of the gameplay. The best players will be able to leverage their game tokens to maximize their profits.
Dogeparty Runner game scheduleSign-up for weekly games will begin on Saturdays. The following is a typical schedule for each week's game:
Saturday - Game, prize & address is announced. Player registration is officially opened. Participants (runners) receive their first token,
Monday - Player registration continues, in the meantime, the game's first problem is announced and gameplay is open to anyone holding a
RUNNER token. A player exchanges their
RUNNER token for instructions, the first problem and the first batch of (2)
HINTS, (2)
CLUES game tokens. A player who solves the problem correctly receives another
RUNNER token.
Tuesday - The game's second problem is announced. Runners correctly solving the first problem exchange their
RUNNER game token for instructions and the second problem. A player who solves the problem correctly receives another
RUNNER token.
Wednesday - The game's third problem is announced. Runners correctly solving the second problem exchange their
RUNNER game token for instructions and the third problem. A player who solves the problem correctly receives another
RUNNER token.
Thursday - The game's fourth problem is announced. Runners correctly solving the third problem exchange their
RUNNER game token for instructions, the fourth problem and a new batch of (1)
HINTS, (1)
CLUES game tokens. A player who solves the problem correctly receives another
RUNNER token.
Friday - The game's fifth & final problem is announced. Runners correctly solving the fourth problem exchange their
RUNNER game token for instructions and the final problem. A player who solves the problem correctly receives another
RUNNER token.
These last
RUNNER tokens are collected at the end of regulation and each player to solve all 5 problems is entered into the weekly prize raffle. The drawing determines the winning runner and they receive the coveted
PRIZES token.
Dogeparty Runner winner raffleFinal drawings will happen on Fridays. The weekly winner will be determined using the following criteria:
- Each player to solve all 5 problems is entered into the weekly prize raffle.
- Raffle ticket numbers are assigned to players in the order they correctly solve the final problem.
- The final ordered list of possible winners will be made public with email addresses hashed for privacy.
- A future Dogecoin block will be announced. The hash of that block will help determine the winning raffle ticket.
- A third-party, unbiased raffle ticket picker site will be used to identify the winner. All the variables used to determine the winner will be made public so results can be verified and confirmed.
- Once the winning raffle ticket number is identified and confirmed by the community the player who won will be sent a
PRIZES token.
Dogeparty Runner communicationPlayer registration will consist of an email address and a Dogeparty wallet address. These 2 forms of ID are not allowed to change during a running game.
Each weekly Dogeparty Runner game will have a unique game address that will distribute game tokens, collect game tokens and receive payments for
The Dogeparty Runner gameplay email address is:
play@adeally.com. All communication during gameplay will come from, and should be directed to this address.
While this website will be updated with the latest announcements, the majority of communication between the Dogeparty Runner and the players will take place over email. Typical communication might be gameplay problem announcements, hint and clue delivery, instructions and much more.
Dogeparty Runner fees & costsEach weekly game entry will cost
5 XDP or
7,500 DOGE. Both coins will be excepted. A 50% discounted price is factored in for players paying in XDP. These should be sent to each weekly game's announced Dogeparty address.
Every player needs to have a Dogeparty wallet.
Dogeparty Runner also sells both the
CLUES tokens directly. Players entered in the game receive a limited supply of these game tokens to start. In case a player runs out,
HINTS game tokens can be purchased at a cost of
0.5 XDP or
750 DOGE each.
CLUES game tokens can be purchased at a cost of
1 XDP or
1,500 DOGE each. All four Dogeparty Runner game tokens may be available for trade on the DEX as well, and we recommend looking at the order book for the going rates of each of these.
Free shippingDogeparty Runner offers free shipping to players within the continental United States. Players that win the weekly raffle who live outside the continental United States will need to cover International shipping costs of their prize if they choose to claim it. Dogeparty Runner ships worldwide. Any winner may also try to trade their
PRIZES game token on the decentralized exchange as well.
Donated tokens and disbursementDogeparty Runner has teamed with the Dogeparty Token Depot for help in rewarding all the runners participating in the challenges and with distributing Dogeparty tokens to the community. With their help we can offer all game participants tokens for each correct answer they provide. Each game will be sponsored by one of their donated tokens each week.
Do you got what it takes?