now the
REAL news
Uro unveils emerging market exchange system
Scam coin gets more PR from
Coindesk for a carefully worded cell phone app.
Uses term "
Market" to capitalize on recent trend / gimmick of "Markets" being added to coins lately.
Trying to push media exposure making something out of nothing basically..
83 pages of why it's a scam here (located in Scam sub forum)
KNOWN BITCOIN SCAMMERS - UROCOIN NILESH NAIR BOHAN HUANG SYDNEY AUSTRALIACoin Summary ?Guys with some money wanted to get in on the
get rich quick scheme of
Altcoins and needed a
GIMMICK.. hence,
Ripoffcoin seeks education through humorNever heard of it nor do i care..
a blatant attempt at hopping on the anti-shit coin trend that has grown as prices have been slipping last 2/3 months.
when idiots were making money hand over fist NOBODY in crypto expect for 3 or 4 of us were saying anything negative about shit coins !
99.5% of all you reading this capitalized on them (quietly or making dumb excuses) and now you all hopped on the trend now that shits coins killed market.
Coindesk should have said instead of this..
While grassroots-level initiatives have had an impact..
Spoetnik almost by himself led the initiative every day for a year and finally got these scamming hypocrite greedy noobs to publicly admit shit coins are bad (*for now)
I didn't see anyone but idiots arguing with me for one whole entire year, day after day, 24/7 non stop !So i will laugh my god ass off now that
Coindesk say stupid shit like that and you all want to parrot what you all fought me over word for word a million times before.
And you will all be supporting scam coins again as soon as market prices rocket up again.. then the fake trend hopping two faced hypocrites go right back to scam coin'ing !
Sorry hypocrites you don't get ANY of my credit !I didn't put up with abuse single handily for a year for you guys to quietly jump shit and turn around and pretend you with me all of a sudden (because prices tanked)
Mensa Genius's at
Coindesk said this on the same sentence
..and altcoin exchanges are doing their best to improve vetting processes,
ROFL Best ? gimme a break.. these guys running them have sat around crypto feeding me the same tired excuses for a year for adding dumb shit coins.
AKA: User Demand (their favorite excuse) ..shifting the blame and responsibility onto us the users while they accept no responsibility what so ever for their actions.
I have also shown many times before how guys running exchanges ARE the ones
making the damn clone coins in the first place !!!!!
Explain to me how that is "TRYING"
Exchanges are often greedy corrupt frauds period.. go ahead and ask
Cryptsy about
They HAD to remove it because the "User Demand" flipped out and got pissed off.. only for them to sneak it back in mid Dec. 2013 when no one was watching LOL
The only thing they are
TRYING to do is
make money.. by any means necessary.. shares.. points.. IPO's clone coins.. crypto-stocks.. anything !
Trying my god damn ass LOL
Dogecoin prepares for AuxPOWBand-aid on a
bag holders bullet wound..
A dumb idea it will not help get coins into the hands of people that want them.. so in reality this will cause more damage than any good !
Strange alt of the weekSo
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich was a rich man eh ?
Hmm interesting but not exactly
Crypto-News worthy.
would have been is how the
Altcoin market is dying bad !and why is because of shit coins like
URO or the other(s) mentioned
ALL scam coin Pyramid schemes !The summary ?People in
Crypto are stupid and
Coindesk as always "
leads the initiative"