If possible, you should make fees LOWER for higher deposits. Until then, I will deposit a max of $100 at a time because I pay less than if I would deposit $200. I dont know of any other business that charges more for/deters more business.
Yes, that does seem strange...
Also, I've never understood using BitInstant for Dwolla to MtGox - why not just deposit directly for $.25 max fee?
Thanks for your input!
This only applies to under $100 deposits. We want to entice new users to enter into Bitcoin and allow them to deposit at a lower cost. Since new users are likely to deposit no more than $100, this is the way we do it. We're constantly experimenting with different fee structures and negotiating to make it cheaper. If you have any tips, please email or PM me!!
In addition, our Dwolla-->MtGox is instantaneous, about 2-3 minutes. Many of our customers who are high volume traders pay a small premium to have their funds instantly and take advantage at the current lowest price of Bitcoin. Without having to keep their funds in 1 exchange, they can keep the balance in Dwolla. Furthermore, all our customers enjoy our 5-Star premium 24/7 telephone and email support.
You can read some reviews here:
resellerratings.com/search/bitinstant got receipt email from trustcash at 11:06am. now waiting for balance to show in mtgox.
edit: and at 11:38am its in!
Your welcome