Welcome to the club. everyone here has been taken by a scammer at some point, in one way or another.
i personally turned a 10k investment into 150 dollars.
You got 6 options:
1.cut your losses and stay away from bitcoin either for good or until its regulated, if that ever happens.
2.go to the authorities and be told there is nothing they can do
3.buy some bitcoins and hold them until its regulated or they are worth alot of money.
4.Attempt to find the scammer and get even
5.Forget about it and move on
6.Create your own scam to recoup your lossesMy experience of bitcoin is about that. Someone scams you and so you scam others to get your money back, then you end up getting taken again on another scam and the cycle continues until you can't look at yourself in the mirror anymore. Bitcoin was started by some nerds who may have had good intentions but its been mostly consumed with greed ever since then.
My advice:
Find the scammer and get even, then stay away from bitcoin until it has federal regulations and real consequences for thieves and scammers.