For immediate release:Cryptocurrency Inc. issue a price target of $4 per each Lemur coin.● Symbol: LMR
● Algorithm: X11 (blake, bmw, groestl, jh, keccak, skein, luffa, cubehash, shavite, simd, and echo)
● Total Coins: 100 000
● Block Time: 300 seconds
● Difficulty Retarget: DGW 3 (Every Block with Dark Gravity Wave 3)
● Premine: 1.3% (For development, bounties, games, food and drinks for loyalists and His Sexiness King Coolian Topless Parties 24h.
Was actually meant 1.2%, but Mr. Hash is so nerdy, that he wanted to see the first 120 confirmations...
Those extra ~ 123 coins will be given away for fellow lemurs as an extra bounties!)
● NO INSTAMINE: First 500 blocks reward is just 1 coin
● Reward: 2 coins per block
● Total blocks: 50 000 blocks