10000 Satoshi, this is real offer for newbie account
$0.04? Really?
I offer 10001 Satoshi.
Yes, anyone can create and "level up" an account to that, so yeah. I'm dead serious. If you don't take the offer, I will negative trust you for breaking a guarantee.
Was just wondering what I could get for this (if anything) I will take ALL offers! I don't need very much to complete a purchase I have to make.
Posts: 83
Activity: 28
Position: Newbie
Date Registered: February 11, 2013
ALL Offers.Just stop trollong dude! I could really use the money right now.
I am not trolling. Again, I am serious. The only advantage of this account is that it was made in 2013, other than that, nothing else. 28 Activity is dead easy to get, and you're just wasting your time if you want more.
I can give you the 10001 Satoshi now, if you give me the account first, or we can use escrow if you prefer.